Monday, September 20, 2010

Supercar Concept by Matthew Hockham

Two thumbs down for the Wally Supercar Concept by Matthew Hockham

We know that the name Wally whispered in the ears of yacht enthusiasts everywhere will send goosebumps up and down their arms in response to the sheer pleasure that name conjures up. And as we can respect the Wally name in terms of yachts, we have to wrinkle up our nose in distaste for the supercar modeled after the specific yacht design.

Apparently, Mr. Matthew Hockham, a UK industrial designer, decided that transferring the Wally design concept over to a supercar would be a good idea. He was horribly, horribly wrong. Although on paper, the sharp edges, black glass surfaces, and hi-tech gray tones sound absolutely marvelous; on the supercar, they simply fall flat. Designed to include the concept of a shooting brake model and sidelines inspired from the 118 WallyPower yacht, the look was supposed to say futuristic and classy. Ummm, how about weird and unpractical? The only redeeming factor this supercar may have is that the interior is made of carbon fiber and teak, again following along the lines of the Wally brand. The only problem with that is the supercar sounded good on paper too, so we can’t be too confident that the interior won’t leave us disappointed as well.

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